6 ways to organize your commercial refrigerator or freezer!

Organizing items in your commercial refrigerator and freezer may not be the most exciting thing on your to-do list. After all, as a restaurant owner, chef or manager you have menus to create, supplies to order, and employees to schedule. Refrigeration equipment should work well on its own, right? Right. But it will work even better when the food inside is well organized. In fact, a poorly-arranged refrigerator may be working harder than it should. This can cause the compressor to wear out too quickly while overloading your utility bill in the process. All commercial refrigerators and freezers require a systematic and organized approach to food storage organization. This applies to commercial refrigerators and freezers of all shapes and sizes. Depending on the size and setup, you will need to install additional interior shelves, panrack slides, or even make use of dunnage racks. Basic Health and Safety As with all our tips, be sure to follow local health codes, and follow basic food safety principals to ensure that foods are kept as fresh and safe as possible. With a few quick fixes in terms of organization, you can prevent hot spots, improve cleanliness, and maintain food safety in all your refrigeration equipment. 1. Space food items appropriately. When storing items in bulk, be sure there is adequate space between food boxes so cold air can circulate. Better circulation means better cooling results, and fewer “hot spots” inside. The same concept goes for prepped food items as well: pans of pre-made appetizers, containers of soup, or frozen desserts. Both in the refrigerator and in the freezer, keep three to six inches from each wall and between each food item for the best cold air circulation. 2. Keep items off the floor. Storing items at least [...]